Democratic Party of Jeff Davis County
If you're already registered:
Exercise Your Right to Vote
Find out key dates for upcoming elections in Jeff Davis County.
If you’re 65 or older, disabled, or will be out of the county during early voting and on election day, find out how to vote by mail.
Make a plan to vote: decide when and where you’ll vote (by mail, by early voting, or on election day) and add it to your calendar.
Be ready to present your official identification at your polling location.
If you're not registered or don't know, take the next step:
Register to Vote
See if You're Already Registered:
You can check your voter registration status through the Texas Secretary of State's "My Voter Portal." Information could be outdated if you have moved to a different address or changed your name.
If you are a resident of Jeff Davis County, you can also check your registration at the Jeff Davis County Tax Assessor's Office, 105 Court Ave, P.O. Box 1061, Fort Davis TX 79734. Phone: (432) 426-3962. Email: If you are registered, confirm that your address is correct and that the name on your registration matches the identification you plan to present at the polls.
Update Your Registration:
If you need to update your name or address, you can update your registration online at My Voter Portal, or, if you are a Jeff Davis County resident, in person at the Jeff Davis County Tax Assessor’s Office.
Ways to Register:
You can register in person at the Jeff Davis County Tax Assessor’s Office; at the Jeff Davis County Library, 100 Memorial Square, Fort Davis, TX 79734; or online at the Texas Secretary of State's My Voter Portal.
You can also register with the nonpartisan Tri-County Voter Promoters, who periodically register voters at various locations in Jeff Davis, Brewster, and Presidio counties, especially when voter registration deadlines are approaching.
Establishing Residency in Texas:
If you have just moved to Texas, you can establish residency by obtaining a Texas Driver’s License or other form of State ID. You must surrender an ID from another state or have lived in Texas for 30 days. You can still register to vote without a state ID, but you should put your phone number on the registration form in case any additional documentation is required.‬‬
Texas requires you to register to vote in the county in which you reside, so keep this in mind when going through the ID process. You can easily update this online if you are already a Texas resident.
Texas Voter Qualifications:
You can register two months before your 18th birthday (17 years and 10 months).
You must be 18 or over on Election Day.
You must be a U.S. Citizen and Texas resident, and registered in the county in which you plan to vote.
You cannot be a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you completed your sentence, probation, or parole).
You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.
Voting By Mail
Qualifications for Voting by Mail in Texas
Over 65 years of age, or
Disabled, or
Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day, or
Out of the county during Early Voting and Election Day, or
Confined in jail or involuntary civil commitment.
Applying to Vote by Mail
If you are a registered voter in Jeff Davis County, you can request a vote-by-mail application from the Jeff Davis County Clerk, fill out the application, and return it to the County Clerk's office at 111 Front St, P.O. Box 398, Fort Davis, TX 79734. Phone: (432) 426-3251. Email: Put your phone number on your application in case any additional documentation is required.
For any upcoming election, make sure you know the deadline by which the vote-by-mail application must be received at the County Clerk's office.
Receiving Your Ballot
After processing and approving your vote-by-mail application, the County Clerk will send your ballot to the address you requested. Make sure you know the deadline by which your completed ballot must be received at the County Clerk's office.
When completing your mail ballot, try to choose candidates all the way down the ballot -- local races can be very important.
Don't forget to add your ID -- Before sealing the carrier envelope, put your ID number under the flap. We recommend adding both the last 4 digits of your social security number and your Texas driver's license number or DPS-issued state ID number.
Include your contact info -- phone number and email address underneath your ID numbers on the carrier envelope. If there is an issue with your ballot, you can be contacted more easily and any issues can be resolved more quickly.
Once you have sealed the envelope, sign at the red X over the flap.
Mail -- add appropriate postage and send before the deadline by which your ballot must be postmarked, and well before the deadline by which your ballot must be received.
Early Voting
You can avoid the lines on election day by early voting. Be sure to bring your ID and, if you wish, a paper list of the candidates you're planning to vote for. Acceptable forms of photo ID are listed here at the Texas Secretary of State's website.
In recent years, the early voting polling place for all registered voters in Jeff Davis County has been the County Clerk's Office, 111 Front St, P.O. Box 39, Fort Davis, TX 79734. Phone: (432) 426-3251. Email: Be sure to check the early voting dates and times for the next election in Jeff Davis County.
Election Day Voting
If you weren't able to vote during early voting, polls are open from 7am to 7pm on election day. That's your last chance to vote. Be sure to check the date of the next election in Jeff Davis County, put it on your calendar and make a plan to vote.
Your voting precinct number (Pct. No.) is located next to your year of birth on your voter registration certificate. You can find your voting precinct location by using the Texas Secretary of State’s search site My Voter Portal, which will be populated with voting sites two days prior to Election Day. Some newspapers publish Election Day polling locations as well. For questions regarding polling places, you can also consult the Jeff Davis County Tax Assessor’s Office, 105 Court Ave, P.O. Box 1061, Fort Davis, TX 79734. Phone: (432) 4266-3962. Email:
The Tax Assessor's Office prepared this chart of county precinct polling locations for the November 8, 2022 election, and most if not all of these locations are likely to be used in the future:
Questions About Voting?
If you have questions about voting, the Texas Democratic Party has the answer. Meet Val! Val should be able to answer any questions you have about voting in Texas' upcoming May 2023 elections.