Democratic Party of Jeff Davis County
Many Jeff Davis County Democrats are also members of the Tri-County Voter Promoters, a non-partisan group of Volunteer Deputy Registrars who help
people get registered to vote or determine if they are registered.
The Tri-County Voter Promoters registered voters through October 10th (the registration deadline) for the constitutional amendment election on November 7, 2023. The 14 constitutional amendments to be voted on are listed here. The Texas Secretary of State released a handy explanation of each of the amendments. This document is very useful reading prior to the election: Explanatory Statements for the November 7, 2023 Constitutional Amendment Election – Texas Secretary of State.
If you are not registered, you can register to vote now for the primary and general elections in 2024. If you are not sure if you are registered, or have moved since the last time you voted, you need to fill out a new registration card.
2022 Meeting)
Your vote counts! It can affect:
• Healthcare, Medicare & Medicaid
• Social Security Benefits
• Education for You and Your Children
• Local, State & Federal Taxes
• Minimum Wages
• Veterans Benefits
• Immigration Laws
• Food Banks & School Lunches
Helping people register to vote for the very first time, or helping them to make sure they are still registered, can be rewarding experiences. And participating in the democratic process can be empowering. The Tri-County Voter Promoters need help to expand voter participation in the tri-county area over the next two years, through the November 2024 General Election. You can make a difference!
Tri-County Voter Promoters
Critical Resources for Voting, Participating, Volunteering, or Working in Texas Elections
County Chair Handbook for Primary Holding Parties (Texas Secretary of State). The Elections Division of the Texas Secretary of State’s Office has prepared this handbook for use by county chairs and county election officials to provide guidance and information about the duties of the county chair and the primary election process. This handbook addresses the role of county chairs in the primary process and covers the procedures and legal standards that apply to county chairs in other areas of Texas elections. The current version of this handbook incorporates all changes to Texas election law that were effective on September 1, 2023.
Online Poll Worker Training Program – Texas Secretary of State. The Texas Online Poll Worker Training is now available. This web-based curriculum mirrors the Handbook for Election Judges and Clerks (PDF) and will train your poll workers about polling place procedures. In addition to the information found in the handbook, there are test questions, real life case studies/exercises to resolve and other features such as voting equipment videos or instructions specific to your county. The online training is available free of charge, 24/7, for all your poll workers. They can take the training anytime and anywhere they have Internet access.
Texas Election Training Portal. Training and resources for Poll Workers and Watchers. Protecting the integrity of our elections starts with the hard-working local officials and citizens working hand-in-hand to conduct and observe the voting processes to ensure they are fair and are undertaken in accordance with the law. Through this portal, you can complete the necessary training program to become a knowledgeable and efficient Election Judge or Clerk, as well as the necessary training to become a certified Poll Watcher on behalf of a candidate, political party, or specific-purpose political action committee.
Handbook for Election Judges and Clerks. Qualifying Voters on Election Day 2023. For Use in General, Primary, and Other Political Subdivision Elections. The Elections Division of the Secretary of State’s Office has prepared this handbook for use on election day by election judges and clerks serving in precinct polling places. This handbook contains a thorough outline of polling place procedures for all elections. It incorporates changes in election laws through the Second Special Session of the 88th Texas Legislature (2023).
Texas Volunteer Deputy Registrar Guide – revised July 2023. Volunteer Deputy Registrars (“VDRs”) are entrusted with the responsibility of officially registering voters in the State of Texas. VDRs are appointed by county voter registrars and charged with helping increase voter registration in the state.
Texas Volunteer Deputy Registrar Exam – revised July 2023. Sample exam from the Texas Secretary of State – good reading before you take the VDR examination. If you don’t know the answers, refer back to the Deputy Registrar Guide.
Volunteer Deputy Registrars
A Volunteer Deputy Registrar or VDR is a volunteer trained and appointed by the county voter registrar to register voters in the county where they are appointed.
Duties of a VDR include:
• Providing applicants registration applications to voters
• Assisting applicants in completing their voter registration application
• Accepting and reviewing completed voter registration applications and giving applicants their receipts
A VDR’s certification of appointment is valid immediately upon training and expires on December 31 of even-numbered years. VDRs are appointed county by county and must attend a one hour training, per cycle, in order to maintain certification. If you have not attended training anywhere in Texas and would like to become a VDR in Jeff Davis County, you can get training and certification directly through the Jeff Davis County Tax Assessor's Office.
Another convenient option is to obtain VDR training and certification through online training offered by Harris County Elections. Once your VDR certification is emailed to you from Harris County, you can take it to the Jeff Davis County Tax Assessor's Office, and through a reciprocity arrangement, get a certificate to register voters in Jeff Davis County. This same procedure can be followed to get certified in other counties. Many Tri-County Voter Promoters are certified in Jeff Davis, Brewster, and Presidio counties, and are able to help register voters throughout the tri-county area.
Becoming a volunteer deputy registrar is easy. The state requires you to attend a one-hour training session. You can sign up for a free, online Zoom Volunteer Deputy Registrar training session offered by Harris County Elections by clicking on this link.
Training is open to any Texas resident who meets the following qualifications:
• At least 18 years old
• A United States citizen
• A Texas resident.
However, you cannot be:
• Determined by final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally or partially mentally incapacitated, without the right to vote.
• Convicted of failing to deliver a voter application to a voter registrar.
• Convicted of a felony or, if convicted, fully discharged of the sentence, including any term of incarceration, parole, or supervision, or completed a period of probation ordered by any court, or pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disability to vote.
• Convicted of identity theft under Sec. 32.51 of the Texas Penal Code.